Jewelry is just like fashion—what was considered “in style” at one point in time can quickly be seen as gaudy or old-fashioned the next. You may also have pieces that you inherited, received as a gift, or were from a previous relationship. But what do you do with the jewelry you no longer wear? Don’t hide them away in your nightstand—give them an updated look with custom designs from Throwing Stars Jewelry! Read on to learn more.

Update the Style of Old Jewelry
Diamonds are forever, but the style of your great-grandmother’s ring might not be. Custom work allows us to completely redesign your jewelry from the ground up and the opportunities are endless. We’ll work with you to ensure that the new item reflects your personal, unique style designed with longevity in mind. Not much of a bracelet person? Take those stones and turn them into a ring! Love the style of one piece but the stones of another? We can make that work, too!

Preserve the Sentimental Value of Heirloom Pieces
With the right care, quality jewelry lasts a lifetime and many people have heirloom pieces with significant sentimental value. Having the jewelry redesigned is a great way to update the style of the piece so you can continue enjoying it for years to come. Have a certain facet or patina in mind?—we got you covered! You could also choose to create your own engagement ring using the stones from previous family rings for a unique and special gift. We’re happy to help preserve your family’s traditions and provide you with a timeless piece of jewelry that reminds you of a loved one.

Get a Completely Unique Piece that Reflects Your Style
You were born to stand out and you deserve jewelry that reflects who you are as an individual! While there’s nothing wrong with mass-produced jewelry, it just doesn’t have that same pizzazz that you’re looking for. Redesigning custom jewelry allows you to get a completely unique piece. Many of our clients are amazed at our ability to completely transform their old jewelry into something entirely new. If you have a plain old chain, why not throw on a cute charm?
Our Custom Design Process
Whether we’re working with heirloom pieces or customizing something that just wasn’t quite your style, to begin with, we treat every ring, bracelet, and earring with the utmost care and attention. Our process is collaborative—we work directly with you every step of the way to ensure that you’re head over heels in love with the finished product. After all, you deserve to feel confident and excited about your new bling!
We’ll meet with you—virtually, or in-person—to discuss your goals and vision. We’ll sketch out an idea of the finished product and then send you a finalized design for approval. Once everything is ready to go, we’ll get started creating the newly redesigned item!
Ready to make your tired and worn-out jewelry look fresh and new? Contact the experts at Throwing Stars Jewelry today to get started.